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Pedrina Park playground ready for fun!

September 19, 2023

The replacement playground near the new netball courts at Pedrina Park in Hamilton is now finished and ready to be enjoyed by the community.

Southern Grampians Shire Council was required to remove the original playground to make way for the new netball courts as part of the Pedrina Park Master Plan implementation.

The replacement playground is still in the same vicinity but situated just west of the new netball courts in the shade of the grove trees.

Mayor Councillor David Robertson said council allocated more than $100,000 from the Open Spaces Levy to relocate and rebuild the popular playground.

“Having a playground conveniently located near the netball courts and oval is an important feature of the overall Pedrina Park facility,” said Cr Robertson.

“The younger ones have something to keep them active on game days, and the families living near the park have the convenience of a playground close by. The council is proud to hand over another important facility at our main sporting complex Pedrina Park to the community.”

The development of the playground concept was driven through VicHealth funding using a methodology called ‘Kids Co-Design’. It involved a workshop facilitated by library staff, where 20 children built models of playgrounds in Lego, that were then used to form the design brief for council’s major projects team.

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